How to disabled right click in whole website using jquery

We can use jQuery to disable right-clicking on our website by binding a function to the "contextmenu" event, triggered when a user clicks on an element. if we want to disable the whole website we can call contextmenu on the document. else we can also apply to a specific element. and we can also sow an alert message to the user to notify them that the right click is disabled. Let's see all points one by one

Here's an example of how we can disable right-clicking on our entire website:
        $(document).bind("contextmenu", function(e) {

This code binds a function to the "contextmenu" event on the entire document or website, and when the event is triggered, it calls the "preventDefault" method to prevent the default context menu from appearing.

We can also attach the function to the specific elements on our website, for example:

        $(".custom_class").bind("contextmenu", function(e) {

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This code will only prevent contextmenu on elements that have a class named custom_class. It's worth noting that disabling the right-click event may not be the best user experience, as some users rely on it to access browser features such as "Save As" or "View Source." It's also not a foolproof method of protecting your content, as users can still access it through other means.

We can also show a message or alert to users when they right-click on the website, this way you can inform the user why the right click is disabled.

        $(document).bind("contextmenu", function(e) {
  alert("Right click is disabled on this website");

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