Similar method list in PHP, MySQL, JS
When developers works across PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript, developers often encounter methods or functions that perform similar operations in different languages. This blog highlights similar methods from these three technologies, providing a comparison of their functionality to help you understand their role in different environments.
List of Similar Method in PHP, MySQL, JS:
Functionality | PHP Methods | JS Methods | MySQL Methods |
explode | explode() | split() | - |
implode | implode() | join() | - |
String Length | strlen($str) | str.length | CHAR_LENGTH(column) |
Substring Extraction | substr($str, $start, $length) | str.substring(start, end) | SUBSTRING(column, pos, len) |
Array Length | count($arr) | arr.length | COUNT(column) |
Replace Substring | str_replace(search, replace, str) | str.replace(search, replace) | REPLACE(column, from, to) |
Find Position | strpos($str, $search) | str.indexOf(search) | LOCATE(substr, str) |
Round Numbers | round($num) | Math.round(num) | ROUND(num) |
Generate Random Numbers | rand() or mt_rand() | Math.random() | RAND() |
Get Current Date/Time | date() | new Date() | NOW() |
Lowercase Conversion | strtolower($str) | str.toLowerCase() | LOWER(column) |
Uppercase Conversion | strtoupper($str) | str.toUpperCase() | UPPER(column) |
Remove Whitespace | trim($str) | str.trim() | TRIM(column) |
Split String | explode(delimiter, $str) | str.split(delimiter) | - |
Join Array | implode(delimiter, $arr) | arr.join(delimiter) | GROUP_CONCAT(column) |
Convert to JSON | json_encode($data), json_encode($value) | JSON.stringify(obj), JSON.stringify(value) | JSON_OBJECT(key, value) |
Parse JSON | json_decode($jsonStr) | JSON.parse(jsonStr) | JSON_EXTRACT(json, path) |
Check for Substring | strpos($str, $substring) !== false | str.includes(substring) | INSTR(column, substring) |
Remove Array Element | unset($arr[index]) | arr.splice(index, 1) | - |
Reverse String | strrev($str) | str.split('').reverse().join('') | - |
Round Down | floor($num) | Math.floor(num) | FLOOR(num) |
Round Up | ceil($num) | Math.ceil(num) | CEIL(num) |
Find Minimum Value | min($arr) | Math.min(...arr) | MIN(column) |
Find Maximum Value | max($arr) | Math.max(...arr) | MAX(column) |
Absolute Value | abs($num) | Math.abs(num) | ABS(column) |
Power Calculation | pow($base, $exp) | Math.pow(base, exp) | POW(base, exp) |
Check If Array | is_array($arr) | - | Array.isArray(arr) |
Array Filter | array_filter($arr, callback) | arr.filter(callback) | - |
array merge | array_merge($arr1, $arr2) | arr1.concat(arr2) | - |
Sort Array | sort($arr) | arr.sort() | ORDER BY column |
Current Timestamp | time() | | UNIX_TIMESTAMP() |
Replace in Array | array_replace($arr, replacements) | => val === x ? y : val) | - |
File Existance | is_file(), file_exist(), is_dir(string $filename): bool | - | LOAD_FILE() |
Convert To String | (string) $value, strval($value) | String(value), value.toString() | CAST(value AS CHAR) |
Convert To Integer | (int) $value or (integer), intval($value) | Number.parseInt(value) or +valueor ~~value | CAST(value AS SIGNED) |
Convert To Float | (float) $value or (double), floatval($value) | Number.parseFloat(value) or +value | CAST(value AS DECIMAL) |
Convert To Boolean | (bool) $value or (boolean) | Boolean(value) or !!value | Interpreted as 0 or 1 in conditions |
Convert To Array | (array) $value, explode(delimiter, string) | Array.from(value) | - |
Convert To Object | (object) $value | Object(value) | - |
From JSON | json_decode($json) | JSON.parse(json) | - |
To Date/Time | DateTime::createFromFormat(), strtotime($string) | new Date(value), Date.parse(value) | CAST(value AS DATETIME) |
Binary To Hex | bin2hex($string) | btoa(value) | - |
Hex To Binary | hex2bin($string) | atob(value) | - |
URL Encode | urlencode(), rawurlencode() | encodeURIComponent(), encodeURI() | REPLACE() |
Last Modified Time | filemtime() | - | - |
File Size | filesize() | - | - |
File Handling with Streams | fopen(), fgets(), fread(), fwrite() | - | - |
Directory Operations | scandir(), mkdir(), rmdir() | - | - |
Rename a file | rename() | - | - |
Delete a file | unlink() | - | - |
File/Directory Existence | file_exists() | - | - |
Writing to Files | file_put_contents(), fwrite() | - | - |
Reading Files | file_get_contents(), fgets() | - | LOAD_FILE() |
Get Type | gettype($a) | typeof(a) | - |