Technology abbreviotion and their full form
This article highlights technology abbreviotion and their full form
Abbreviotion | Full Form |
PHP | Hypertext Preprocessor |
JS | JavaScript |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheets |
HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
AJAX | Asynchronous JavaScript and XML |
API | Application Programming Interface |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
OOP | Object-Oriented Programming |
MVC | Model-View-Controller |
ORM | Object-Relational Mapping |
LAN | Local Area Network |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
DNS | Domain Name System |
IP | Internet Protocol |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
SSH | Secure Shell |
LAMP | Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP |
LEMP | Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP |
WHM | Web Host Manager |
Nginx | Engine X (Web Server) |
XAMPP | Cross-Platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, Perl |
CLI | Command-Line Interface |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
CDN | Content Delivery Network |
IIS | Internet Information Services |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
MySQL | My Structured Query Language |
MariaDB | Named after Maria (a MySQL fork) |
DBMS | Database Management System |
RDBMS | Relational Database Management System |
NoSQL | Not Only SQL |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability |
DDL | Data Definition Language |
DML | Data Manipulation Language |
DQL | Data Query Language |
DCL | Data Control Language |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, Delete |
ETL | Extract, Transform, Load |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values |
BLOB | Binary Large Object |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier |
SQLi | SQL Injection |
SMS | Short Message Service |
MMS | Multimedia Messaging Service |
OTP | One-Time Password |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
POP3 | Post Office Protocol v3 |
Electronic Mail | |
AWS | Amazon Web Services |
GCP | Google Cloud Platform |
Redis | Remote Dictionary Server |
RPM | Requests Per Minute |
TPS | Transactions Per Second |
TTL | Time To Live |
LFI | Local File Inclusion |
RFI | Remote File Inclusion |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization |
Git | Global Information Tracker |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment |
YAML | YAML Ain’t Markup Language |
IPFS | InterPlanetary File System |
JWT | JSON Web Token |
OAuth | Open Authorization |
SSO | Single Sign-On |
RBAC | Role-Based Access Control |
2FA | Two-Factor Authentication |
CSRF | Cross-Site Request Forgery |
XSS | Cross-Site Scripting |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
IAM | Identity and Access Management |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
IPS | Intrusion Prevention System |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
ROM | Read-Only Memory |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive |
SSD | Solid-State Drive |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
BIOS | Basic Input/Output System |
CMOS | Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
NIC | Network Interface Card |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
ML | Machine Learning |
DL | Deep Learning |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
BI | Business Intelligence |
Node.js | JavaScript Runtime Built on Chrome V8 Engine |
NPM | Node Package Manager |
YARN | Yet Another Resource Negotiator (Package Manager) |
PM2 | Process Manager for Node.js Applications |
CommonJS | Module System for Node.js |
ESM | ECMAScript Modules |
REPL | Read-Eval-Print Loop |
CJS | CommonJS Modules |
TS | TypeScript |
V8 | Google’s Open-Source JavaScript Engine |
Express.js | Fast, Unopinionated Node.js Web Framework |
Middleware | Functions Executed in Request-Response Cycle |
CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
REST API | Representational State Transfer API |
GraphQL | Query Language for APIs | | Real-Time WebSockets Library for Node.js |
CSR | Client-Side Rendering |
SSR | Server-Side Rendering |
MongoDB | NoSQL Database for Modern Applications |
Mongoose | MongoDB Object Modeling for Node.js |
Sequelize | Promise-Based ORM for Node.js |
Knex.js | SQL Query Builder for Node.js |
Bcrypt | Password Hashing Algorithm |
Express Router | Built-in Router for Express.js |
dotenv | Loads Environment Variables |
Cluster | Module for Running Multiple Processes in Node.js |
Worker Threads | Multi-Threading Support in Node.js |
Event Loop | Node.js Concurrency Model |
Callback | Function Passed as an Argument to Another Function |
Promise | Asynchronous Operation Handling |
Async/Await | Syntactic Sugar for Promises |
FS | File System Module in Node.js |
Path | Path Module for File System Operations |
Crypto | Node.js Cryptography Module |
OS | Node.js Operating System Module |
Zlib | Compression Library in Node.js |
Stream | Handling Streaming Data in Node.js |
Buffer | Temporary Storage for Binary Data in Node.js |
Child Process | Running External Processes in Node.js |
Nodemon | Tool for Automatically Restarting Node.js Apps |
Mocha | JavaScript Test Framework for Node.js |
Chai | Assertion Library for Testing |
Supertest | HTTP Assertions for Express.js |
Express-Validator | Middleware for Request Validation |
Helmet | Security Middleware for Express.js |
Morgan | HTTP Request Logger for Node.js |
Rate Limiter | Middleware for Throttling API Requests |
Session | User Session Management |
Passport.js | Authentication Middleware for Node.js |
Babel | JavaScript Compiler |
ESLint | JavaScript Linter |
Prettier | Code Formatter |
Webpack | Module Bundler for JavaScript |
Parcel | Web Application Bundler |
Rollup | JavaScript Module Bundler |
TSConfig | Configuration File for TypeScript |
Jest | Testing Framework for JavaScript & TypeScript |
Hapi.js | Rich Framework for Building Applications |
Koa.js | Lightweight Web Framework for Node.js |
Fastify | Fast and Low-Overhead Web Framework |
Next.js | React Framework for Full-Stack Applications |
Nuxt.js | Vue.js Framework for Server-Side Rendering |
Electron | Framework for Building Cross-Platform Desktop Apps |
Laravel | PHP Framework for Web Artisans |
Eloquent | ORM for Laravel |
Tinker | REPL for Laravel |
Blade | Laravel Templating Engine |
Seeder | Database Seeding in Laravel |
Factory | Model Factory for Data Seeding |
Migration | Version Control for Database |
Controller | Handles HTTP Requests in Laravel |
Request | Handles Form & API Requests |
Response | Handles HTTP Responses |
Route | Defines URL Endpoints in Laravel |
Artisan | Command Line Interface for Laravel |
Service Provider | Laravel Bootstrap Component |
Composer | PHP Dependency Manager |
Facades | Static-like Interface to Laravel Classes |
Collection | Array Wrapper for Data Manipulation |
Queue | Background Job Processing System |
Event | Laravel Event Handling System |
Listener | Handles Laravel Events |
Broadcasting | Real-Time Events Using WebSockets |
Cache | Caching System in Laravel |
Throttle | Rate Limiting Middleware |
Sanctum | Laravel Authentication for APIs |
Passport | OAuth2 Authentication for APIs |
Validation | Input Validation in Laravel |
Authorization | User Permission System |
Gate | Authorization Check in Laravel |
Policy | Authorization Logic in Laravel |
Request Class | Handles Validation & Input |
Guard | Defines User Authentication Strategy |
Hasher | Handles Password Hashing |
Session Flash | Temporary Session Data Storage |
Localization | Multi-Language Support in Laravel |
Env | Environment Configuration in Laravel |
Config | Configuration Handling in Laravel |
Logs | Error Logging System |
Broadcast | Send Events to WebSockets |
WebSockets | Real-Time Communication Support |
Rate Limiting | Control API Request Rate |
Horizon | Queue Monitoring for Laravel |
Nova | Admin Panel for Laravel |
Dusk | Browser Automation & Testing |
Envoy | Task Runner for Server Deployment |
Scout | Full-Text Search for Eloquent Models |
Telescope | Debugging Tool for Laravel |
Mix | Asset Compilation Using Webpack |
Sail | Docker Environment for Laravel |
Jetstream | Modern Authentication Scaffolding |
Livewire | Frontend Framework for Laravel |
Breeze | Minimal Authentication Scaffolding |
Echo | Realtime Event Broadcasting |
Forge | Server Management for Laravel Apps |
Vapor | Serverless Deployment for Laravel |
Queues | Job Queue Management in Laravel |
Soft Deletes | Marking Records as Deleted Without Removing |
Pivot Table | Intermediate Table for Many-to-Many Relations |
API Resource | Transforming API Data in Laravel |
Form Request | Validating Incoming Requests |
Command Bus | Handling Commands in Laravel |
Dependency Injection | Injecting Services into Classes |
Repository Pattern | Layered Data Access Structure |
Service Container | Dependency Injection System |
TestCase | Base Class for Laravel Tests |
PHPUnit | Testing Framework for Laravel |
Mocking | Creating Fake Objects for Testing |
Faker | Generate Fake Data for Testing |
Database Transactions | Rollback Changes in Tests |
Mailable | Email Handling in Laravel |
Markdown Mail | Mail Templates with Markdown |
Notification | Send Alerts via Email, SMS, etc. |
Slack Notification | Send Messages to Slack |
SMS Notification | Send Text Messages |
Storage | File Handling in Laravel |
S3 | Amazon S3 Storage Integration |
Filesystem | Abstraction for File Storage |
Public Disk | Publicly Accessible Storage |
Private Disk | Secure File Storage |
Symlink | Symbolic Link for Storage Path |
Reverse Proxy | Proxy Server that Fetches Content on Behalf of Clients |
Load Balancer | Distributes Incoming Traffic Across Multiple Servers |
FastCGI | Protocol for Communicating Between Web Server and Application |
Proxy Pass | Nginx Directive for Passing Requests to Backend Servers |
HTTP/2 | Faster and More Efficient Version of HTTP |
Gzip | Compression Method to Reduce Page Size and Speed Up Loading |
Brotli | Compression Algorithm Developed by Google |
Keepalive | Persistent Connection to Reduce Latency |
DDoS Protection | Prevents Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks |
Access Log | Logs All Requests Processed by Nginx |
Error Log | Logs Errors Encountered by Nginx |
Server Block | Configuration Block to Host Multiple Websites on One Server |
Virtual Host | Allows Hosting Multiple Domains on a Single Server |
Listen Directive | Defines the IP Address and Port Nginx Listens On |
Worker Processes | Handles Incoming Connections in Nginx |
Worker Connections | Defines Maximum Number of Connections per Worker |
Master Process | Manages Worker Processes in Nginx |
Upstream | Defines a Group of Backend Servers for Load Balancing |
Try Files | Directive to Check If a File Exists Before Passing to Backend |
Alias | Maps a URL Path to a Different Directory |
Root | Defines the Root Directory for Serving Files |
Index | Specifies Default Files to Serve in a Directory |
Stub Status | Module for Monitoring Nginx Performance |
GeoIP | Determines Location of a User Based on IP Address |
Rewrite | Changes URL Before Processing the Request |
Return | Redirects Client to Another URL |
Redirect | HTTP Redirection to Another URL |
301 Redirect | Permanent Redirect to a New URL |
302 Redirect | Temporary Redirect to a New URL |
Auth Basic | Basic Authentication for Restricting Access |
Auth JWT | JWT Authentication for Secure API Access |
WebP | Image Format for Faster Loading |
Security Headers | Protects Against Common Web Security Threats |
Content Security Policy | Restricts Sources of Executable Scripts |
Referrer Policy | Controls How Much Referrer Information is Sent |
X-Frame-Options | Prevents Clickjacking Attacks |
X-Content-Type-Options | Prevents MIME Type Sniffing |
OCSP Stapling | Speeds Up SSL Certificate Validation |
Let’s Encrypt | Free SSL/TLS Certificate Authority |
Fail2Ban | Blocks IPs with Too Many Failed Login Attempts |
Nginx Amplify | Monitoring and Performance Tool for Nginx |
ModSecurity | Web Application Firewall for Nginx |
Nginx Unit | Dynamic Application Server by Nginx |
Nginx Plus | Commercial Version of Nginx with Advanced Features |
Docker Nginx | Running Nginx as a Container in Docker |
Kubernetes Ingress | Manages External Access to Services in Kubernetes |
HAProxy | High-Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer |
Systemctl | Command for Controlling Nginx on Linux Systems |
NGINX Reload | Gracefully Reload Nginx Without Dropping Connections |
NGINX Restart | Completely Stops and Restarts Nginx |
NGINX Stop | Stops Nginx Completely |
NGINX Start | Starts Nginx |
NGINX Test | Tests Nginx Configuration for Errors |
OpenResty | Nginx-Based Web Platform for Lua Scripting |