Swiper Slider Navigation with Mouse Wheel and Hamburger Menu

Enhancing User Experience: Adding Mouse Wheel Navigation to Swiper Slider with Hamburger Menu  adding custom cursor style, 

This tutorial will teach you the correct way to apply mouse wheel navigation for a Swiper slider along with a  hamburger menu to enhance user experience on a web page. The swiper slider is a popular alternative for dynamically and interactively exhibiting photos, articles, or components, and the hamburger menu provides a stylish method to present extra navigation options.

We will see the below examples separately.

  1. Simple swiper slider change on mouse wheel scroll
  2. Swiper slider change on mouse wheel scroll with custom cursor style
  3. Swiper slider change on mouse wheel scroll with custom cursor style  and hamburger menu

Simple swiper slider change on mouse wheel scroll

Swiper Slider Navigation with Mouse Wheel and Hamburger Menu

Swiper slider change on mouse wheel scroll with custom cursor style:

In this example, we will also add a custom cursor style and cursor will zoom when hover any link

Swiper Slider Navigation with Mouse Wheel and Hamburger Menu

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Swiper slider change on mouse wheel scroll with custom cursor style  and hamburger menu

Swiper Slider Navigation with Mouse Wheel and Hamburger Menu

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